Baldness Treatment Options for Women!

Baldness is a serious for both men and women but for women, it is more worrisome because of the social beliefs that relate the hair of women to their look and beauty. Furthermore, most of the women just love their hair and cannot even think to have unhealthy and broken hair. A lot of women come to the Avenues clinic for hair treatment in Ahmedabad and most of them are treated with utmost care. When we talk about the baldness treatment of women, the approach for the treatment should be completely different and the same policy is applied by the surgeons of the clinic. 
Before we discuss the treatment of women hair loss in detail, we must have a look at the main reasons that are responsible for the hair loss in women.
Reasons for Hair Loss or Baldness in Women
There are a lot of reasons that cause baldness in both men and women. For example, improper diet, sleeping disorders, hormones, genetic reasons, illness, stress etc. Apart from these reasons, some reasons are responsible to affect women. Pregnant women generally face severe hair loss after the delivery and mental or physical stress is also the main reason for hair loss in women. Due to menstruation cycle, women face anemia and as a result, they may face severe hair loss. Menopause may be also a reason for hair loss. Women may face genetic hair loss but generally, they do not go completely bald and the pattern of baldness is also different from the male patients. In males, a spars layer of hair is remaining at the severe stage of baldness but women do not have any remaining hair on the sides and back of the head.
Treatment Options for Women
Generally, the surgeon treats the female patients according to the type of hair loss. The two types of hair loss are temporary and permanent.
Treatment for Temporary Hair Loss:
As mentioned above, some reasons like childbirth, anemia, medications, sleeping habits, and poor diet can cause temporary hair loss in women. Scalp infections, dandruff, and other scalp diseases may cause temporary hair loss as well. Your doctor may apply medications or non-surgical treatments for temporary hair loss. Generally, eliminating the root cause is enough to cure the disease. Medicines like Minoxidil and non-surgical treatments like PRP are widely used by the doctors.
Treatment for Permanent Hair Loss
Androgenic alopecia in women is a genetic problem that causes severe thinning of hair. The entire scalp is affected in women and there is not remaining layer of thinner hairs. Generally, the doctors try to control the condition by prescribing medications or by non-surgical options.
Traditionally, women are not ideal candidates for hair transplant because they do not have any donor area on the head. However, in some cases, women can be treated with the help of hair transplant. These cases include:
Patients with mechanical or traction alopecia (nonhormonal)
Patients with hair loss that is similar to male pattern baldness
Burn victims, scarring from accidents, chemical burns
Patients with alopecia marginalis
In the clinics like the Avenues clinic, female patients are treated with a totally different approach as the pattern of baldness is not the same in women. Thus, if you are one of those who is facing female pattern baldness, it is totally safe to get the hair treatment in Ahmedabad. The experts of the clinic will diagnose the problem and then, they will decide an appropriate treatment option for you.


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